Smelly shoes are the most common issue and mostly people face and experience it from their favorite pair of shoes. No doubt it’s the most worst and annoying condition. Usually this condition happens because of bacteria, sweat, moisture and fungal growth. These types of bacterias and fungi can be harmful for your skin in the form of rashes, infection and leave fungus on the toenails.
Even if you take the best care of your feet and have the best hygiene, they could still leave the smell. If you’re thinking of buying a new pair of shoes because of the smell so white sneakers shop is a good option, however we could guide you about how to get rid of the smell on shoes of your old favorite ones.
To get rid of shoe smell must be challenging, you must have some patience to get out of this odor. We have seen this problem in almost every other shoe and it’s most common in those shoes that we use everyday. Using some better quality shoe product is essential, such as casual white sneakers shop provide you the best quality shoe with a great material.
Because of this smell we question to ourselves, Why does this happen? How do we get rid of this shoe smell? For the solution here are some tools and techniques. We can get rid of this shoe smell by just not using modern techniques but also using some natural hacks and ingredients that are available in our kitchen. To get rid from this odor we share with you a complete guideline that is follows.
First of all you need to identify the source of this smell. After recognizing the cause of the smell it's easy to treat us with great devotion.
- Bacteria: The bad smell may be the cause of the bacteria. Bacteria naturally present in your skin. When the sweat glands are released inside the shoe, the bacteria is activated which causes the unpleasant smell.
- Poor Ventilation: The shoe which has bad ventilation may cause bacterial growth. The shoe which does not have the good material and is not breathable causes this problem.
- Poor shoe hygiene: By not cleaning the shoe properly or drying lead to the bacterial growth and fungus which cause the smell of the shoe.
- Moisture: Moisture happens when the sweat of your feet absorb into the shoes it usually happens because of poor ventilation and the material.
To get rid of the smell, here are some methods and techniques which lead you to control it. Hopefully these methods will help you out.
Clean the Shoes:
Keep your shoes clean properly to prevent the bad smell from the shoe. The cleanliness of the shoe plays an important significant role. For cleaning them use a cloth and pour some soap and detergent with water in it and then gently clean it.
Some types of shoes can also be washed from the washing machine.
- Remove insoles and laces: By removing shoes insoles and laces helps you to clean them properly and this will also help out to dry them properly.
- Clean insoles: If it’s required, so clean and wash them properly. Otherwise it’s better to replace them with the new ones.
Dry and Ventilate your Shoes Properly:
As we know moisture causes bacterial growth or fungus. Proper ventilation is necessary for the shoes. Ensure that your shoes are properly dry before wearing them. Try to place your shoes at a well-ventilated area as it prevents bacterial growth or bad smell.
- Air dry: If you’re drying in breezy air or using some new modern tool try to dry them properly. Until your shoes are completely dry, leave them at room temperature in a location with good ventilation.
- Use newspaper: Use newspaper to absorb the water, it helps to dry your shoes completely by soaking it or you can also use cloth for soaking it.
Odor Removal Techniques:
Want to deodorize your shoes with a home remedy? So here are some easy and convenient home remedies. By following these techniques you can easily remove the odor in your shoe.
- Baking Soda:
Baking soda is the most common and natural deodorizer agent that kills bacteria and bad smell. You just need to sprinkle some baking soda inside the shoes and leave them overnight or at least some few hours after then remove the excess of the baking soda before wearing it again.
- White Vinegar:
White Vinegar is also a powerful tool to deodorize your shoes. You just need to add equal parts and drops of white vinegar and water, clean or wipe the shoe with a cloth gently without damaging the parts of the shoes. Vinegar is antimicrobial which helps to kill the bacteria. After cleaning them, leave the shoes for air dry.
- Freezing Method:
Freezing method is optional if it is needed, so do it. First you need to seal your shoes in a plastic bag and then put it in a freezer and leave the shoes overnight in a freezer. Freezing helps to kill the bacteria and eliminate the smell on the shoe. After leaving them overnight remove the shoes from the freezer and let them air dry completely before wearing them.
- Essential Oils:
Essential oil is used for making a pleasing smell or scent. Such as lavender, tea tree or eucalyptus essential oils are the most popular ones to deodorize the odor, put some drops on a cotton ball and place these cotton balls inside the shoe. You can also pour some drops directly but in other ways you can also add it with baking soda or vinegar.
- Sunlight exposure:
Sunlight is the natural source to kill the bacteria or germs. On a sunny day, place your shoes directly under the sunlight for a few hours as sunlight helps to absorb the moisture. Sunlight exposure will help you to prevent the shoe odor and kill the bacteria.
4. Prevent Future Odors:
Do you have shoes which give you an annoying and terrible smell? To prevent future odors you need to follow these steps and methods. By applying these methods surely you will find out the proper solutions.
- Good Feet Hygiene:
Good foot hygiene plays a significant role to prevent the odor. Maintaining good hygiene can be challenging. Keep extra attention to the spaces between your toes to make sure that they are properly clean. Keep your feet clean daily. After washing the feets, let them dry before wearing the shoes.
- Regular Maintenance:
Just keeping your feets clean is not a solution, you should also maintain your shoes. Keep them neat and clean, to prevent odors make it your habit to allow them air dry before wearing them again. Keeping your shoes clean enhances their appearance. Use cloth to remove the dirt or debris and after that start to wash it with water or soap, some kind of shoes are also washed in a washing machine.
- Change Shoes:
Wearing the same shoe again and again will lead to moisture and bacterial growth. It’s better to avoid wearing the same pair of shoes regularly. Rotate or exchange your shoe daily with the new pair and allow the pairs to dry out completely before using it again. Changing shoes is a better option to prevent the smell on the shoes.
- Use/Change Shoe Inserts:
It’s better to use or change shoe inserts or insoles to reduce the odors as it absorbs the moisture. Using some better quality insoles is essential. If you are wearing the same insole again and again it's better to replace it with a new pair of insoles. Shoe insoles and inserts also enhance shoes comfort and ease. As if it is needed, use shoe sprays for the odor control.
- Proper Ventilation:
Proper ventilation of the shoes plays an important role. Place your shoes in a well-ventilated area. It might be crucial or challenging to maintain the freshness of the shoes. Use breathable materials to rid of the smell on the shoes such as leather and canvas.
How do you get rid of the smell on shoes? To prevent or control the odor it might be challenging or tricky but by following all the above methods helps you to remove the smell on the shoes. Proper ventilation or cleaning plays a significant role to control the smell of the shoes.
You should pay more attention to removing the odor. No doubt the above mentioned details ensure you can control the smell of the shoes, so don’t worry about it as you get the best home remedies to kill the bacterial growth or fungus.